Diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in youngsters have increased recently as a result of increased public awareness of the condition. The said age bracket is closely near to adulthood. It means that autism can also possibly affects adults.
The Effects of Autism in Adults
Here are some of the effects of autism in adults:
Differences in Communicating
Adults with autism may have difficulty conversing with others due to verbal and nonverbal communication problems. Human communication is nonverbal to a degree of up to 90%, including gestures, eye contact, and facial emotions. However, many people with autism struggle to comprehend, interpret, or even be aware of these nonverbal cues.
Social Challenges
Communication difficulties can cause social stigma that portrays people with autism as impolite or weird—things you never wanted to be but couldn’t figure out how to avoid. And if you feel like you can’t get over those communication obstacles, you could socially isolate yourself and distance yourself from potential relationships.
“Stimming,” or Self-stimulation
When you repeatedly make physical movements to relieve stress, divert attention, or help you express strong emotions, you are “stimming.”
Environmental Hyper-or Hypo Sensory Sensitivity
Autism can cause you to be overly (hyper-sensory) or underly (hypo sensory) aroused by everyday sights and noises. Those with hyper-sensory problems may feel that sounds or lights are overly loud or brilliant.
Some clothing materials may annoy you or make them feel weird on your body.